Convenient Location

8054 Yonge St. Thornhill. Just south of the intersection of Yonge and HWY 7/407

About Referrals

You need to be referred by your physician. Click here for information.

Covered by OHIP?

Most services are covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)

Convenient Location

8054 Yonge St. Thornhill. Just south of the intersection of Yonge and HWY 7/407

Patient Referral Form

You need to be referred by your physician. Click to download your form here.

Waiting Time

Your timeframe depends on the type of procedure.

OHIP Covered Services

Most services are covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP)


Uninsured Services

Our office provides a wide range of services, some of which are not covered by OHIP.

The following form outlines the payment options available to patients, depending on the frequency of the services required. If you are having trouble understanding the structure or if you need assistance with this or any other patient forms, please call the Thornhill office at 905-886-1212.

Allergy Serum Injection  $375.00
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 24hr  $60.00
Atomy patch  $10
Bupivacaine, 1ml  $2.00
Bupivacaine, box of 10 vials  $270.00
Copy/Print out, per page  $1.00
Courier Services  $15.24
Durolane (medicaton+admin fee for 1 joint)  $550.00
Durolane or Neovisc Admin Fee  $150.00
Durolane or Neovisc fee for an additional joint  $70.00
Geneyouin pill check Test ( Ultimate)  $500.00
Hair Element Analysis  $90.00
Hydrodilatation  $150.00
Inagene Test (+HST)  $495.00
Inagene Ultra (+HST)  $595.00
Interpretation Pharmacogenetic Testing  $300.00
Ketamine for IV cost of medication  $40.00
Ketamine IV for mood disorders per procedure  $750
Kinesiology Assessment (45min. session)  $60.00
Lidocaine Medication (DIN: 02421984) standard dose  $20.00
Lidocaine Medication (DIN: 02421984) high dose  $30.00
Mailing Expences  $10.00
MARCAINE 0.5% (DIN: 02305909) 1 vial  $28.00
Medical Botox (1 Vial- 100Units)  $450.00
Medical Botox (per unit)  $12.00
Medication deposit fee  $50.00
Neovisc (medication+admin fee)  $500.00
NO OHIP Deposit for Health Card  $100.00
Nstride  $1,800.00
Physical Education session  $40.00
Physician Chart Review – 30 min  $200.00
Prescription Renewals  $20.00
PRF injection – 1 area $1,000.00
PRF injection – 2 areas  $1,500.00
Prolotherapy for big joints  $250.00
Prolotherapy for cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine  $400.00
Prolotherapy for small joints  $175.00
PRP Injection – 1 area  $1,200.00
PRP Injection – 2 areas  $1,800.00
Review of Medical Documents (1 hour)  $500+HST
Review of records  $45 for 15′ after first 15′
RFA Medication  $30
RFA shoulder  $167.5+HST
RFA SI joint, knee, Morton’s Neuroma  $167.5+HST
Specialist Appointment No Show – Consultation  $100.00
Specialist Appointment No Show (Follow-up)  $70.00
Tens Education Session (+HST) – Kinesiology  $45.00
Tens Machine + Kinesiology Consult  $140.00
Triamcinolone 1 vial 40mg  $25.00
Ultrasound Guidance for Injection (when not covered by OHIP)  $78.00
Work/School Sick Note  $22.75

Please keep in mind that this payment structure is only for the Thornhill office.


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